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About Us

The Cruising Yacht Club of Tasmania (CYCT) aims to:

  • promote and encourage cruising in company generally in Tasmania

  • encourage sailing and boat building by amateur boat builders

  • organise cruising of boats and disseminate knowledge relating thereto.


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Enjoy Cruising in Company?
Join Us!

Joining the CYCT is straightforward, but does involve some formalities. If you know someone in the Club, they can introduce you. Otherwise the simplest way to start is to attend one of the Club meetings and make yourself known to one of the Committee members. You may also want to join one of the regular Club cruises.

For further information use this 
Joining Information  link.

Click the "Join Now" blue button below, or Join Now  contact our mebership officer;


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Electronic Visual Distress Signals (EVDS)

It is now an option to replace the 4 x handheld flares (2 x Red & 2 x Orange) required in sheltered and offshore Tasmanian waters.
If boat owners elect to carry these devices, they must also have a GPS-enabled EPIRB registered with AMSA and a VHF radio.


Lifejacket Recall

Pacific Is Rallies April 25

Island Cruising & Down Under Rally

CYCT has 6 months complimentary access till October.

A Pacific Rally starts around May each year where participants have a choice of selecting destinations they'd most like to visit or, can follow a suggested itinerary and timeline sailing ocean passages as part of a group.

The Island Cruising website has an extensive 
array of interesting and helpful resources on cruising in general. So check it out now.
Pacific Down Under Rally

Get the Latest Notices to Mariners for Tasmanian Waters

Notices to Mariners