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About Us

The Cruising Yacht Club of Tasmania (CYCT) aims to:

  • promote and encourage cruising in company generally in Tasmania

  • encourage sailing and boat building by amateur boat builders

  • organise cruising of boats and disseminate knowledge relating thereto.


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Enjoy Cruising in Company?
Join Us!

Joining the CYCT is straightforward, but does involve some formalities. If you know someone in the Club, they can introduce you. Otherwise the simplest way to start is to attend one of the Club meetings and make yourself known to one of the Committee members. You may also want to join one of the regular Club cruises.

For further information use this 
Joining Information  link.

Click the "Join Now" blue button below, or Join Now  contact our mebership officer;


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The 2024/25 Committee

Commodore Val Nicholls
Vice Commodore Rick Allen
Rear Commodore David Bowker
Treasurer Bev Hitchens
Secretary Chrisse Rowland
Editor – Albatross Ian Howarth
Membership Officer Paul Peacock
Past Commodore Scott Poulter
Webmaster Rob Greenwell
Warden Mark Stephenson
General Committee Member 1 Allison Peacock
General Committee Member 2 Dorothy Darden

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Electronic Visual Distress Signals (EVDS)

It is now an option to replace the 4 x handheld flares (2 x Red & 2 x Orange) required in sheltered and offshore Tasmanian waters.
If boat owners elect to carry these devices, they must also have a GPS-enabled EPIRB registered with AMSA and a VHF radio.


Sullivans Cove
Marina Use

Note the maximum berthing period is five hours per stay. In certain circumstances, this time limit may be extended with prior approval from MAST. Vessels requiring berthing exceeding five hours will need to scan the QR code located on the marina piles. This will prompt you to provide vessel and contact details and a maximum stay time will be issued.

Posted 10th April 2024.

TMR logo
AED’s on boats 
(Automated External Defibrillator) 

When a person suffers a cardiac arrest an AED can save a life so the  availability of AED's and knowing their location is critical. A land-based register can be found online at the Tasmanian ListMap. On the water TMR (Tas Maritime Radio) have enabled boats to register AED’s onboard.

So if you have an AED onboard, add it to your TMR registration details and in an emergency, contact TMR who can assist identifying the nearest AED located on the water.

For club cruises if you are the Cruise Coordinator carrying the club’s AED, go online to your vessel’s TMR Registration and record AED details with your vessel. After the cruise, remove the details.

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