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WOBs (Women On Boats)

What is WOB's?

Women on Boats is an informal group of CYCT members who meet on a regular basis to share their experiences and knowledge.  We are all women who enjoy boating and would like to learn new skills and meet other like-minded women. Some WoB's own a boat, some crew on other's boats, and others have a dream to own a boat! All are there to share their love of boating and learn from each other. 

Upcoming Events

When and where are the meetings held?

The second Tuesday of the month at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, Marieville Esplanade, Sandy Bay. The meeting is held upstairs in the Bass and Flinders arrival.

WOB's members arrive from 17:15 with an expected start time of 17:30. The meeting closes at 19:00.

A dinner table at the RYCT will be booked for dinner at 7pm. Attendees who would like to join the table are advised to pre-order their meal before the 5.30pm meeting.



Please register via the CYCT website.

You’ll see a list of WoB’s events under the general CYCT Event Calendar.

Each month will have a topic listed and a link to register once you click the event each month.

Please indicate if you will be attending dinner as a booking will be confirmed at the venue the Friday before the meeting.

Are any of the sessions held on a boat?

Yes, we try to have at least one weekend a year away on the water.

Do you need to be a member of the CYCT or RYCT to join Women on Boats?

The program is free for all CYCT women members but in the interests of promoting boating skills and confidence in women, we welcome all.

If you are not already a member, come and join us for two months for free. If you decide that you would like to continue to participate, join the CYCT and discover the added bonuses we offer all our members.

Is there any time to socialise?

There is always the opportunity to stay on after the meeting for a meal with other WoBs.

John Garrow

What Topics are covered?

Topics are wide and varied. We will have some presentations from members, friends and colleagues about their experiences, and some meetings with a refresher of practical skills.

  • Basic Navigation
  • Knots
  • Running lights on boats and what they mean   
  • Diesel engines
  • Sailing theory
  • Using Radios and electronic equipment
  • And much, much more.

The future events are listed on the CYCT WoB's calendar as topics and speakers are confirmed. Ideas for future events are welcome, especially as the coordinators aim to make the sessions as relevant as possible.

"No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit."

Helen Keller

“When you sail for the first time, you have one of two experiences. It becomes a one-time, bucket-list thing you check off your list, or it becomes a part of your soul forever.”

Michelle Segrest

"There is no better tool or equipment you can have on board than a well-trained crew.”

Lin Pardey